To create a time-animated model in Surfer, you'll need to generate a separate model for each time point and export each one as a GIF. This process can be streamlined by using a script like the one below, which efficiently creates a grid, contour map, and GIF for each Z column in a data file. These individual GIFs can then be combined using a third-party animated GIF creator.
If you think a built-in time-animation feature in Surfer would be helpful for your work, please let us know!
To run this script:
- In a Windows Explorer window, navigate to C:\Program Files\Golden Software\Surfer.
- Double click on Scripter.exe to launch Scripter.
- Copy and paste the script below into Scripter's code window (be sure to delete any existing lines first), or simply download the attached BAS file and open it in Scripter.
- Update the values in the USER-DEFINED VARIABLES section near the top of the script as needed. If you skip this step, the script will still run using sample data.
- Click Script | Run to run the script.
'========================== 'GridZCols_ExportGIF_Loop.bas '========================== ' This script loops through z columns in a single data file, gridding each one ' and creating a contour map from the grid, then exporting the grid as a GIF ' to be animated by a third-party program '========================== Sub Main 'Clear any output in the Imediate window. Debug.Clear '================================================================ 'USER-DEFINED VARIABLES '================================================================ 'Files data_dir = "C:\Program Files\Golden Software\Surfer\Samples\" 'directory where the data file is located data_file = "Sample1.dat" 'data file name grid_dir = "C:\Temp\" 'directory where grids will be saved gif_dir = "C:\Temp\" 'directory where gifs will be saved 'Grid numrows = 200 'number of rows in the grid file numcols = 200 'number of columns in the grid file x = 1 'x column from the data file y = 2 'y column from the data file z = 3 'z column from the data file 'Colormap colormap_min = 259 'minimum data value for the colormap colormap_max = 5032 'maximum data value for the colormap grad = "Rainbow" 'color gradient preset for the colormap '================================================================ 'Initializes Surfer Dim SurferApp As Object Set SurferApp = CreateObject("Surfer.Application") SurferApp.Visible = True 'Opens the data file in Surfer's worksheet and sets the worksheet range to row 1 Dim Wks As Object, WksRange As Object Set Wks = SurferApp.Documents.Open(data_dir+data_file) Set WksRange = Wks.Rows(1, 1) 'Initializes variables used in the for loop below Dim Plot As Object, MapFrame As Object, ContourLayer As Object 'Loops through all of the z columns in the data file 'This assumes columns A and B are x and y, and columns C through the end of the file are z's For i=3 To WksRange.ColumnCount 'Creates a plot window Set Plot = SurferApp.Documents.Add 'Defines output grid file directory & name grid_file = grid_dir + Left(data_file, Len(data_file)-(Len(data_file)-InStrRev(data_file,".")+1) ) + "_zcol"+Str(i)+".grd" 'Grids the data file SurferApp.GridData6(DataFile:= data_dir + data_file, xCol:=1, yCol:=2, zCol:=i, Algorithm:=srfKriging, ShowReport:=False, OutGrid:=grid_file, OutFmt:=srfGridFmtS7) Debug.Print "zCol = "+Str(i) 'Creates a new map with a contour layer Set MapFrame = Plot.Shapes.AddContourMap(GridFileName:=grid_file) Set ContourLayer = MapFrame.Overlays(1) 'Fills contours ContourLayer.FillContours = True 'Assigns a preset to the colormap ContourLayer.FillForegroundColorMap.LoadPreset(grad) 'Sets colormap data limits so all exports use the same color scale ContourLayer.FillForegroundColorMap.SetDataLimits (DataMin:=colormap_min, DataMax:=colormap_max) 'Defines the name of the output GIF file as the data file name with a GIF extension export_file = gif_dir + Left(data_file, Len(data_file)-(Len(data_file)-InStrRev(data_file,".")+1) ) + "_zcol"+Str(i)+ ".gif" 'Exports to a GIF Plot.Export2(FileName:=export_file, FilterID:=gif) 'Closes the plot without saving Plot.Close(SaveChanges:=srfSaveChangesNo) Next i 'Closes Surfer SurferApp.Quit End Sub
Related Articles:
- Export multiple SRF files to bitmap images using Surfer automation
- Create a time-animated model in Surfer from multiple DAT files via automation
Updated August 2024
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