If you have a single data file containing multiple Z columns, and you want to grid the x,y values with each z column, you can use the script below to do this.
To run this script:
- Copy the script below, or download the attached BAS file: grid_loop_through_zcol.BAS.
- In a Windows Explorer window, navigate to C:\Program Files\Golden Software\Surfer.
- Double click on Scripter.exe to launch Scripter.
- Press Ctrl+A to select all of the existing lines then press DELETE.
- If you copied this script, press Ctrl+V to paste it into Scripter. If you downloaded it, click File | Open, select the BAS file from your downloads directory, and click Open.
- Change the file paths/names and gridding columns in the User Variables section at the top of the script.
- Click Script | Run to run the script.
Sub Main Debug.Clear '================================================== 'User Variables '================================================== 'Input and output file directories and input data file name in_directory = "C:\program files\golden software\surfer\samples\" data_file = "Sample1.dat" out_directory = "C:\users\leslie\desktop\" 'X, Y, and first Z column in data file to use for gridding xcol=1 ycol=2 firstzcol = 3 '================================================== Set surf = CreateObject("surfer.application") surf.Visible = True 'Open the data file in Surfer's worksheet and get the last column value Dim Wks, WksRange As Object Set Wks = surf.Documents.Open(in_directory+data_file) Set WksRange = Wks.Rows(1, 1) For i=firstzcol To WksRange.ColumnCount 'Define output grid file directory & name grid_file = out_directory + Left(data_file, Len(data_file)-(Len(data_file)-InStrRev(data_file,".")+1) ) + "_zcol"+Str(i)+".grd" 'Grid the data file surf.GridData6(DataFile:= in_directory + data_file, xCol:=xcol, yCol:=ycol, zCol:=i, Algorithm:=srfKriging, ShowReport:=False, OutGrid:=grid_file, OutFmt:=srfGridFmtS7) Debug.Print "zCol = "+Str(i) Next i End Sub
Updated January 2022
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