Quickly and accurately grid large LiDAR datasets in Surfer

Gridding extremely large datasets can be slow. In Surfer 15 and newer, gridding has been multi-threaded so it proceeds much faster than in earlier versions.

The best way to grid large LiDAR data sets is to create a point cloud layer from the LAS/LAZ file and then use the Create Grid command on the Point Cloud ribbon tab. 


point cloud grid option


This algorithm is much faster than gridding the LiDAR data set using the Grid Data command or the Map Wizard. See how to use the Grid Point Cloud tool to grid your LAS or LAZ point cloud data below:

  1. Open your point cloud as a map by clicking Home | New Map | Specialty | Point Cloud. Details on how to create a point cloud map are in this article: How can I view my LiDAR data?
  2. In the Contents window, select the Point Cloud map layer.
  3. Click Point Cloud | Features | Create Grid. The Grid Point Cloud dialog opens.
    Grid Point Cloud dialog
  4. Specify the Data field to grid, Aggregation method and Output Grid Geometry, or leave the defaults.
  5. Choose the Output Grid file location and type a file name.
  6. Check the Add grid as layer to box and select the point cloud Map frame.
  7. Set the New layer type as Contour, or desired map type.
  8. Click OK.

Now a grid has been created and you can create a Profile, or use any of the other grid processing commands. 


Updated August 2023

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