Reduce blurry and pixellated contour lines (or other lines/symbols) in Surfer's 3D View window

You can increase the resolution of the texture mapping to make the overlying layers appear sharper.

To do so:

  1. In 3D View, click Surfaces in the Contents window.
  2. In the Properties window, select the General tab.
  3. Expand the Texture Resolution header, if necessary.
  4. Increase the Texture width setting to be the desired number of overlay pixels in the X direction
  5. Increase the Texture height setting to be the desired number of overlay pixels in the Y direction

Vector lines with the texture resolution set to Automatic

Contour line texture with the Texture Resolution set to Automatic


Vector lines with the texture resolution set to 2048

Contour line texture with the Texture Resolution set to 2048


Updated November, 2021

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