Label a line/symbol log using another column in a table in Strater


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Currently, line/symbol logs cannot be labeled from a different table column. If you would like to request this feature, please let us know

However, you can overlay the line/symbol log with a bar log to use the labels from the bar log for the line/symbol log. Please see the steps below to do this.

  1. Click the Log | Create Log | Line/Symbol command.
  2. Click in the Log Pane to place the log.
  3. In the Open dialog, select the worksheet.
  4. Click Open.
  5. If you see an Import Options dialog, specify any desired options, and click OK.
  6. In the Specify Worksheet Column Definitions dialog, set appropriate options.
  7. Click Next.
  8. In the Specify Data Type and Column Positions dialog, set the appropriate Data type.
  9. Assign the correct columns from your worksheet to Strater's column definitions.
  10. Click Finish.
  11. Click the Log | Create Log | Bar command.
  12. Click in the Log Pane to place the log.
  13. In the Open dialog, click the same table used for the Line/symbol log.
  14. Click Open.
  15. Delete the second scale bar from the Header Pane.
  16. Select the Bar log.
  17. In the Property Manager, click the Line tab.
  18. Set Log | Line Properties | Style to Invisible.
  19. In the Property Manager, click the Fill tab.
  20. Set Log | Fill Properties | Style to None.
  21. In the Property Manager, click the Label tab. 
  22. Set Show label to Show label with fill.
  23. Set Label column to the desired label column from the table.
  24. In the Font Properties section, set the Horizontal alignment to Right.
  25. Click the Log | Display | Overlay Logs command.
  26. Adjust any other properties as desired.


Updated March 12, 2018

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