'HideAxes.bas eliminates ticks, labels, and axis titles, and hides the axes 'for selected maps in an open SRF file. It ignores selected objects that are not maps. 'Does not work for maps grouped into composite objects. '1. Open SRF file. '2. Select the maps to eliminate the axes. '3. Run script. '======================================= Sub Main Debug.Clear 'Use existing Surfer instance. On Error GoTo Error1: Set surf = GetObject(, "Surfer.Application") On Error GoTo 0 Set document = surf.ActiveDocument If document.Type <> srfDocPlot Then GoTo Error2: Debug.Print "Surfer Version: " & surf.Version Debug.Print "Document: " & surf.ActiveDocument Set selection = document.Selection i = 0 For Each obj In selection If obj.Type = srfShapeMapFrame Then i = i + 1 Debug.Print "Modified Map" & i & ": " & obj.Name shrinkAxes(obj) End If Next obj If i = 0 Then GoTo Error3: GoTo Xit: Error1: Debug.Clear Debug.Print "Surfer is not running. Start Surfer, open a document, and select maps to modify." GoTo Xit: Error2: Debug.Clear Debug.Print "Active document is not a plot. Open or activate a plot document and select a maps to modify." GoTo Xit: Error3: Debug.Clear Debug.Print "No maps selected. Select some maps to modify." Debug.Print "Make sure your maps are Not inside a composite Object." GoTo Xit: Xit: End Sub Public Function shrinkAxes(frame As Object) For Each axis In frame.Axes axis.ShowLabels = False axis.MajorTickType = srfTickNone axis.MinorTickType = srfTickNone axis.Visible = False axis.Title = "" Next axis End Function