'This script determines the X Axis scale 'and sets the Y Axis length so that the scales match Sub Main 'Initialize Grapher Dim Grapher As Object Set Grapher = CreateObject("Grapher.Application") Grapher.Visible = True 'Set the open Grapher document to the Plot variable name Set Plot = Grapher.Documents.Active 'Define variables for axes Set XAxis1 = Plot.Shapes.Item(1).Axes.Item(1) Set YAxis1 = Plot.Shapes.Item(1).Axes.Item(2) 'Determine the X Scale scale = (XAxis1.Max - XAxis1.Min)/XAxis1.length 'Get the absolute value of scale If scale < 0 Then scale = scale * -1 'Set the Y Axis length so that it uses the same scale YAxis1.length = (YAxis1.Max-YAxis1.Min)/scale End Sub